Reformation 2.0

Major obstacles to a 2020 Revival in America and the Western Societies

1. Lack Of Awareness Of Our Sin

2. Lacking In Understanding Of “Holiness”

3. The Church Is The Frog Being Boiled A Degree At A Time

As We Tolerate More And More Sin In Our Own Lives And All Around Us

4. We Lack Repentance Because We Don’t Even Know We Need It

5. Without True Repentence, There Will Be No Revival From God

6. Satan’s Plan To Remove The Word And Concept Of “Sin”

It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to focus less on Salvation issues and more on our own Sanctification. THE REFORMATION deeply impacted Sanctification issues for every Christian. If you want to BE MORE LIKE JESUS AND NOT JUST TRY TO ACT MORE LIKE JESUS, JOIN THIS MOVEMENT. We guarantee, you will!
The Beginning


the first state, happens when you truly are converted into being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and you are “born again” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3
The Middle


is the state we are in after we are “saved” and until we die our physical death on Earth. Sanctify means to be made Holy so we will become like God the Father and Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son.
The End


is for after we die with us being made like Jesus was after He rose from the grave.
About Theology

The Study of God or Religious Belief

While theology is described or defined as the “study of God or religious belief”, the most important goal is not only to study God and belief but to come to truth about God and belief. Due to the problems that existed in Christianity at the time of The Reformation, changes were clearly needed regarding the beliefs of the day fostered by corrupt persons in leadership positions within the church.

At the time that Martin Luther among important others, stood up to the untruths and corruption within Church leadership, it took great courage and perseverance to promote truth. With the iron clad grip and control over the faithful, promoting truth could be dangerous to your church membership and even to your very life.

Gratefully, those in opposition to the corrupt leadership did overcome all of the obstacles so that major changes were made to the belief structures of Christianity that brought the faithful back to the core teachings of the Bible. Jesus himself promised that “His burden was light” compared to the heavy, difficult and hypocritical religious burdens put upon the Jewish followers by the leaders of their day.

It seems no matter what, when, where, or how, there are people at every time period throughout history who see religion as an open door through which they will happily go through in order to gain great control over masses of people for their own glory and enrichment.

All of the changes that came about after those heroes stood up to the falsity within the church were called “The Reformation” or changing Christianity for the better according to a definition by Websters Dictionary for “reformed”.

New paradigm
From Defeat to Victory

New Paradigms of the 2nd Reformation

5 Tenets of the 2nd Reformation(Reformation2.0)


1. Become More Proactive With Our Personal Sanctification

2. Learn And Accept Paradigm-Shifting Information About The Nature Of Our Soul’s Condition

3. Understand New Concepts About Sin And Its Causes

4. Make The Bible The Final Arbitor Of Truth For Our Lives And To Search For Spiritual Solutions To Spiritual Problems

5. All Christian Leaders, Teachers, Pastors, And Writers Shall No Longer Sell The Truth. If They Are Providing Revelation Of Truth From God For The Church, Jesus Is The Truth So We Probably Shouldn’t Sell Him.